

a song/writer &

⊤: the always-curious bow
& abandoned places lover
& ⋁ii: the other side of the mirror

a couple making music
Sung Poetry & Poetic Indie
& New Folk & Ambient Pop
& Alternative & Dreampop
?? you never know

& the latest

2025-02-28: Will You Remember Me? comes to rock your world with fierce - dreamy vibes and makes you think… about whether we’re ever not alone and whether we leave something behind. Don’t miss out on this one, it’s actually a real journey (sonically, as well as towards our August album ;-) )

2025-02-06: We’ve teamed up with the future garage legend, BlauDisS, once again to bring another haunting lullaby into the world. right // left is about a perspective on a highly unusual story – that of Thomas Jefferson and his slave lover.

& the NEXT

March is all about… LOVE, and all its (real) facets. Expect a dream folk collaboration with An Early Bird (you might already know him from Sober Love ^-^).

& songs that have stories

25+ original songs on our &Tilly Spotify YoutubeMusic

Each song is a story of its own, and each has a story behind it as well. Read more about: 3AM Lullaby [&Tilly x BlauDisS] (2022) 8.8 [ALBUM] (2022) Not in the Right Mood (2022) Afterwars (2021) Are You Me? (2021) A Walk in the Dark (2022) B(l)inding Love (2020) BURN.INC [&Tilly x MWAFS] (2022) Claws [&Tilly x Neal Carlson] (2023) Come Home, Please (2021) Come With Me [&Tilly x Horseshoes] (2022) Conscience Eaters (2022) Dandelions (2022) Dawn (2022) Deck the Halls ('Tis the Season) (2024) Don't Lay on the Floor (DLOTF) (2021) Don't Want to Get Used to Being Without You (2025) Easy Way Out (2021) Greed-Eyed (2024) Grey Wide World (2023) Her (2023) Higher Than Earth [&Tilly x JooBaldi] (2023) Hľadám (2024) Hurdless [ALBUM] (2022) Hurt (2024) I Cannot Rain (2024) Impress (2021) In Circles (2023) In My Mind (2022) Irene (2020) It's Snowtime (2021) Kelsey O'nara - A Cappella (2022) Leaving (2024) Liar [&Tilly x Mats Dernánd] (2023) Not Alone (2021) Of Monsters and Shadows (2024) Paper Planes (2024) right // left [&Tilly x BlauDisS] (2025) Sadness is a Blessing [&Tilly x Jordan Murawa] (2023) Shoot You [&Tilly x Timberly] (2023) Silencing [&Tilly x BlauDisS x whikerms] (2024) Silly Little Pride [Spiros Maus x &Tilly] (2024) Sleeping With Ghosts (2024) Slow (2022) Sober Love [An Early Bird x &Tilly] (2023) Souls in Need (2023) Stockholm on the Way (2024) Stockholm Song (2020) Sunset (2021) The Apple Orchard Hidden in the Pie (2021) The F-Side Country (2020) The Ship and the Waves (2021) The Song for the Blind Girl (2020) Then She Ran [&Tilly x BlauDisS x whikerms] (2023) Thieves (2024) To All Mine (2020) Unopen (2022) Virtuality (2020) We Three Kings (2023) (When You're) Gone (2021) Where Can You Sea (2021) Will You Remember Me? (2025) Winds (2020) What's Lost Can Be Found (2022)

& points of view

not only selfies on our &Tilly Instagram

& playlists we listen to & love to curate

There is an overwhelming amount of music around, yet we find only a fragment of it unique. We try to hand-pick and collect such unique music from known as well as less known musicians to listen to ourselves and bring it to you in a handful of curated Spotify playlists.

thank you, love you

As independent musicians, we do all around our music ourselves, &YOU can help us very much (for free) by following us on Spotify / Youtube / Apple, adding our songs you like to your own playlists, or just writing us to express your opinion or any input you have. It would mean the world to us.

the &.